ADHD profile help

Yeah, it might take a years’ worth of sourcing and so on to back this up, but I am now (after 21+ years of diagnoses etc) 110% that ADHD DOES NOT ACTUALLY EXIST in the way that Anxiety disorders, bipolar disorders, schizophrenia, major depression etc all exist. It’s just a vague list of symptoms that are covered by almost all OTHER REAL DISORDERS, the easiest, most pleasurable and “apparently” effective short-term solution for which is AMPHETAMINES, I.e. Adderall, Dexedrine,Ritalin, METH, et cetera.

All of it (ADD/ADHD) is a myth, ALLL of it. Anything and EVERYTHING you are experiencing can be explained by other real-world LEGITIMATE psychiatric phenomena.

Anybody telling you any different is either misinformed (this will include many many a lazy doctor), undereducated, or actually on pharmaceutical payroll.

/r/Drugs Thread