Adnan Syed files for Bail

Judaism (which is the religion of some family members of mine along with Islam- whichever verse or hadith Seamus is cherry picking and probably bad-faith-interpreting doesn't necessarily stop marriage between the two) calls for me to be put to death for being queer, but I do not hold individual Jews or the whole diaspora collectively accountable for that. While I have a lot of resentment for institutions and attitudes I personally experienced (something I have my doubts about with Seamus&Islam given that it all seems pulled from Maher as you say, racist uncle facebook shares, and Times of Israel editorials) I don't do that to my Christian or Muslim family members or friends either, and I know when they talk about what their faith means to them, the doctrines of stoning me or selling off your daughter to her rapist taken out of context aren't what they mean. Whatever we might personally feel about religion, I think it's only fair to recognize that people's relationships to them are more complex than they even let on and among diaspora communities they often have as much to do with maintaining sense of connection to culture and family as "God." As it relates to misogyny, homophobia, etc., I don't have anything like the nuance that queer women who grew up in those communities do. So most of what I would have to say beyond expressions of solidarity would be taking up space in a conversation that I don't actually need to, at best, and more likely having destructive effects on it. The worst is when people who are none-of-the-above use these issues as battering rams - like Trump using gays executed in Saudi Arabia as a debate "gotcha." I've always felt sketch in my attempts to clarify things about Islam or Muslim communities in the sub despite my family experience, but to my knowledge there have been zero openly Muslim or formerly Muslim contributors for some time so I tried to strike some balance where appropriate. Anyway, yes, it is directly comparing Islam to nazism. It's just, right there, spelled out.

About PrincePerty - certainly I think you need to know when members of the sub harass others in PM for speaking out about your comod and other members deserve to know who among them will do that sort of thing, and what surprised me was just how quickly after making my comments I got it. So, I get the rule, but context is everything. I know you've been harassed pretty thoroughly and you deserve to be able to name them.

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