adopted cat wants to go outside

I have two cats: a mother and a son. I live in a house with a pretty big yard. I let them go out whenever they like. However, they both have disappeared for some time. Lagoona (the female), had been away for, at maximum, three days. She always came back unharmed and I also have woods near my house (not a clue what kind of animals live there). However, with Ryuk it was different. Recently, he scared the crap out of me. He disappeared for ten days in a row. He had never disappeared before, although he passed the majority of her day outside. However he came back. He wasn’t hurt only extremely skinny. I guess he got stuck in some place with not that much food. When he came back, I did not forbid him to go outside. However, I took some precautions. I would tied him to a tree, with a big leash to let him move around almost freely. I checked on him for time to time. Cats hate to be controlled, I had to give him some time alone. When he wanted to come inside, I would take the leash of and he could be at will. At night, he always stays inside. My advice for you: cats need nature. It’s extremely natural for one who never stepped outside to have curiosity about it. I perfectly understand your concern. I suggest you adopt the same system that I used with my Ryuk, if you have garden or a yard. That will help the cat to understand the boundaries of his freedom and also at what times he/she can or cannot be outside. I can’t guarantee it will work and you’ll always be a little concerned about he/she coming back. However, you shouldn’t repress the exploration feline instinct. Cats who go outside are friendlier then the one so don’t (at least, my personal experiences say so), as well as happier. Hope I could help with your issue. Good luck!

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