Adopting kittens in Halifax?

I had the same first impression with Darrold. He's definitely looking out for the animals first and foremost and would rather be rude than have them be unsafe. He's a brilliant judge of stupid people.

I got my cat and my roommate got hers from Bide Awhile in 2018, mine an adult and hers a kitten. Our experience from that was they want you to prepare for the worst with their cats. We came home with the assumption that Mack would be a dick and Ivy would be a ghost, but they're both friendly, affectionate and confident little buddies. Adopting from them was worlds apart from our visit to the SPCA, which was chaotic, although the staff knew the cats we didn't know that the cat we were going to adopt had chronic health issues until after we signed the paper, which put us in a really awkward position of having to call and say we no longer wanted him anymore.

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