Do adult children need to pay to go to their parents social?

Thanks for your reply! So the only wedding I’ve been too (my sisters) everything has been included but apparently it is common knowledge you need to give a donation at some point for the wedding? Again it was my big sisters wedding and I was like broke and 20 at the time so nothing was ever mentioned to me but my mom paid so I feel like it was just not mentioned to me because I was poor lmao. And I am not referring to the wedding and bridal parties as socials! In Manitoba where I am from (this is something I just learned) socials are basically just a party at a community centre we’re random people pay to buy a ticket to party for the night (proceeds go towards the wedding) and the bridal party/wedding is for people that the bride/groom knows. Socials are very popular in Manitoba but the last person who commented let me know that nobody else has socials lmao news to me!

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