Adults of reddit, what advice could you give to the teens of reddit?

You don’t have all of the answers even though you think you do. You aren’t smarter than anybody and anything you think you discovered is already known or has already been tried.

Hang around successful people and copy what they do.

Your parents aren’t the dumbest people on the planet. You should listen to them more. They also aren’t the smartest people on the planet either and don’t know everything.

Life gets better, but it also gets worse. It gets harder and it also gets easier.

You can count the number of people who really care about you, your future, or your wellbeing on two hands...maybe one. Don’t put so much stock in what others, especially your peers think.

Spend a few hours of your own time and learn about compound interest. It’s important and if you go about things the right way you can live a fairly easy life from a financial perspective. Save and invest early.

Read a Dave Ramsey book and take some time to really think about it. It may not seem important now, but it is. 10-20 years will go by in a blink of an eye. You’ll look back and wonder what the fuck happened and how you got where you are. Make it easier on yourself and set yourself up for success. A few tips: Graduate high school, don’t get married until you are at least 21, wait to have children until you’re married, work full time. Do those things at minimum. It’s even better if you stay out of debt...resist that urge to buy a car you can’t afford to impress people you don’t know just so you can’t drive it back and forth to work to pay the bank back.

/r/AskReddit Thread