Adventures in the Poly Facebook Group: "You have been banned for treating this as an equal discussion."

I... I want xir to meet a beautiful, underprivileged transwoman at the vegan grocery store. I want them to hit it off in the faux-dairy aisle, have a chat about their favourite way to make soy sauce, invite each other to try their own recipe. I want them to go on a first date. I want it to be slightly awkward, in that "Holy cow, this androgynous - this amazing, radiant, sungendered person - agreed to go on a date with me!" way, where neither party can believe their luck. I want there to be a second date. And a third. And a fourth. I want them to meet each other's friends. I want them to go to PETA-approved, Person of Color-owned amusement parks together. I want them to go out for a few glasses of wine one night, go back to xir's place, and finally make love to each other in a perfect microcosm of transhuman expression that involves a signed consent contract beforehand. I want them to meet each other's broodmatron. I want them to have cute archaic term from the time we enslaved animals (pet) names for each other that nobody else knows. I want them to go to that same faux-dairy aisle on their 5-year anniversary and buy soy ingredients, then go home and make each other their special home made recipe. I want them to get engaged, to make fun of cis, straight couples. I want their wedding to be a low-key affair - few friends, broomatrons, small catered (by communist worker unions) reception. I want their first dance as a married couple to be slow, xir's head on xir's shoulder, as they slowly rotate under the lights in a world where nothing else exists but them and their love, and privilege. I want them to become pregnant with androgynous children. I want them to hold hands as they see the first ultrasound scans of this new life they've made. I want them to quickly buy a house and start painting a nursery. I want them to decide to name their child after xir's slavepatriarch if it's a disgusting male, and his broodmatron if it's a beautiful, yet androgynous girl. I want them to have a beautiful baby, delivered without incident. So I can punch that fucking baby in front of they/them/their's and say: "(Insert anger against SJW.)"


/r/TumblrInAction Thread Link -