Advice about getting caught with weed.

This happened to me in 2010. I was in my friend's room a couple floors below mine in Jester West, on one of those post holiday days when campus is still mostly empty. We had gotten back from a party around 2 or 3 AM, and wanted to keep hanging out (his suitemates were there too) even though it was past opposite-gender visiting hours. We were just playing music and dancing around like lunatics (vividly remember some intense air guitar), when we heard a knock at the door. Someone opened it, and of course it was the Asian TA girl from my floor. She called us out for being too loud and me for being in a guy's room after hours, so we all booked it out of there to go hangout outside.

A week later I got an email for an appointment with SJS. Turns out that stick-up-her-ass Asian TA reported us for smoking weed. She reported that she had smelled weed and that it looked like I had stashed something under the bed when the door was opened. She made all of it up. My friends definitely were weed smokers, but weren't big enough idiots to smoke inside the dorm. As for me stashing something, that was me grabbing my shoes which were under the bed I was sitting on.

I am pretty straight-laced and had never smoked at that point, so the entire ordeal really flustered me. The appointment with SJS wasn't too bad though. There was one guy who sat down with me and asked questions about that night. One of the stupidest questions was: "Do you know what weed smells like?" I was dumb and admitted I did, but everything ended up being fine. The incident was dropped and I wasn't punished in any way. I still hated the feeling of them judging me as if I had done something illegal. The way they look at you and talk to you makes it apparent they think you are lying even if you are telling the absolute truth.

I advise you to just claim ignorance. If they don't have any solid proof that you were smoking, the incident will be dropped.

/r/UTAustin Thread