Advice for Girlfriend's First Board

Use My suggestion: $98. You must get a (skate tool)[*+TO+9.99%5D&opt_page=1&opt_sort=priceAcc&opt_perpage=20] too, just not the speed demon.

Deck: filter by price. Just don't get darkstar. Width 7.7-8.1".

Wheels: smaller/thinner/harder is trick-oriented. Bigger/thicker/softer is cruise-oriented. Ones I picked may seem pricey but I think it's def worth it for a mellow cruise/basic tricks combo.

Bearings: Mini Logo

Trucks: Mini Logo. Just choose a truck width equal to/slightly less than the deck width

Griptape: anything. but black Jessup is the safest bet. Some people decorate griptape with paint pens

/r/NewSkaters Thread