Advice for a Muslim in a dark place with homosexual desires.

Sometimes our desires don't match up to what's best for us (for the hereafter especially).

I love fried food and steaks my whole life but my father died unexpectedly from an MI, as well as his father before him. So I decided that I will stay away from foods like that. Now I'm not trying to equate a diet to sexual attraction, since obviously the two are very different (well for some it's the same lol). But the point is that sometimes you have to live life disregarding desires that Allah swt put into you and that Shaitan magnifies.

Unfortunately, with regards to Homosexuality, there are so many people in our modern culture today that say that you should be proud of your desires and that you should be "free" and do what you want.

My analogy is simple. Our parents give us rules for a reason. Imagine if as kids, we were allowed to roam free and do what we desired at that time? Those of us who are successful for the most part are grateful for the balanced strictness of our parents or caretakers since we can see that our success was majorly linked from staying away from many of our "bad" childhood desires.

So I hope that helps you understand a bit brother. There are some that say you should do this or that to "cure" your desire. But the reality is that you might have to live your whole life being sexually attracted to men, but you will just have to fight to ignore it until the afterlife, where you hopefully look back and realize the mercy of God's rules.

Then we can enjoy steak and our partners inshallah.

/r/islam Thread