Advice for a parent, please and thank you

Oh gosh, I so need to be asleep right now, but can I please explain the context of that? There is a huge anti-abortion movement in the republicans party rn. Yet, very often republican political leaders are found to have mistresses or daughters that get these abortive medical procedures- which go against the politicians projected ideals.

This is not a joke, but a philosophical thought experiment. Let’s suppose you are an anti-choice politician. Now I, a random person, rapes your daughter. She is now pregnant with my child. How do you feel about abortion now?

The goal is to ask people who are politically slanted to rethink their assumptions. This is not a joking matter and I think you for stalking me and finding it so we could bring it up again. What you think is a joke I think of as very serious. It’s a satirical commentary and I’m not speaking with my own voice in this instance, but of a fictional character. Thank you for pointing it out so everyone can be sure.

Mainly, this is in response to the story about the 10 year old that is being forced to carry a child to term- what I am saying is that if it was YOUR child, you would change the law about it.

/r/autism Thread Parent