Advice for a short guy?

I'm 5'4" and I used to have similar worries. First off, start by reading the sidebar if you haven't. Focus on raising your value in other ways, such as gym, career, charisma, intelligence, and GAME. Yes there will always be someone taller, better looking, wealthier, smarter, more energetic than you are, but you have to be okay with that and confident of what you can provide. There are certainly people who are taller than me, but i'm most confident that I can show these women a unique good time without insecure bullshit. And you'd be surprised how insecure these taller, good looking guys can be. Insecurity alone is a red flag, so if you're short and have signs of insecurity that's a red flag from a mile away. You'd be surprised to see how many woman are down when they know they could just have fun without the bullshit of hurting any feelings of an insecure person.

/r/asktrp Thread