Advice needed.

My situation was very similar.

We had an accidental pregnancy, I'm 31 and he was 33 at conception, and in terms of 'timing' it wasn't the best - we are renovating our first house, struggling to get our business through covid, and don't have too much in terms of savings (although we are lucky enough not to pay any mortgage/rent so this isn't as stressful as it is for many).

When we found out it was a huge shock, and during the first few months he had a good number of meltdowns over getting pregnant - not being 100% sure he even wanted a child, worried his rocky upbringing would lead him to be a bad father, our situation not being massively secure etc, etc. He's the type that let's these things bubble under the surface then one day it all erupts over something tiny and all comes out.

I on the other hand knew I couldn't terminate - we have a roof over our heads and are in a secure relationship so it just wasn't an option for me personally. I made a decision very early on that while this was a curveball, it was a rare positive one (we have had a tragic few years with friends/family) and I was going to tackle it head first and revel in it. His reaction threw me though, and I genuinely worried for our relationship. I decided I was happy to do this alone, and that I would be fine if it did come to that. It was heartbreaking to think about, but if it was that or be with a man who resents our situation, I was content to take the plunge.

Eventually, after one of his meltdowns I told him this - I gave him an out, said he didn't need to have anything to do with me or the child, and that I was prepared to do it without him. Abortion wasn't on the cards for me, so he needed to sort his shit out or decide to leave.

He sorted his shit out (thank god) and came round to the idea. Although he's still not feeling over the moon, he's in this with me all the way and being incredibly supportive, talking about plans, giving me back rubs on demand, thinking of names etc. It just took him time to get his head around the whole situation, and that's fair.

Sorry for the long response, but as others have said it's a big life change and a lot for him to get used to. Hopefully in time he will also sort his shit out and get on board. And if not, you have a bright future to look forward to regardless with your little one.

/r/pregnant Thread