Advice needed in proposing sex with a good friend.

Everytime a "friend", like genuine platonic ones, has tried to sleep with me it made me really upset and disappointed. I have girlfriends who have the same issue and it's always really frustrating and sad for us.

I have guy friends I have slept with occasionally but they were always pretty clear from the very beginning that they were sexually interested in me. That's not all the friendship was but it was never a question they wanted to. They were always in a separate catagory of male friends. I wouldn't hang out with them while I was dating someone, for example.

There's no way to know how she will feel, I'm sure there are people who don't feel that way when their close platonic friends try to fuck them, but I'm just letting you know that it might not be cool for her. Please update us.

/r/datingoverthirty Thread