Advice on how to deal with severe FOMO

I don't really have any advice but I feel this to some degree and I've definitely experienced those exact same thoughts.

The root of the problem for me is that I'm going through a phase where I just don't have any friends at the moment. Actually, let me rephrase, I have friends but we live on opposite sides of the country. I don't have any 'local' friends at the moment that I can hang-out with regularly so I often find myself feeling very lonely and the feeling is amplified in certain situations.

I've found taking that energy and redirecting it into finding a solution to the problem (such as calling/skyping/gaming with those long-distance friends) or finding a distraction has been working for me though and I don't have that FOMO feeling as intensely anymore. Sorry, my answer kind of sucks and offers nothing helpful haha but thought I'd drop a line and let you know you're definitely not alone in feeling this way.

/r/LongDistance Thread