Advice regarding two offers

The more money you make doesn’t necessarily mean the happier you will be. You would already be making much above the typical means and enjoy just about everything this life would have to offer to a “fortunate” being like you. If you are already familiar with whatever makes you content and brings you happiness prior to even making a great income, whether it’s $410k or $330k, it is the same. More money would simply make things a little bit more “fck it” type vibes, or seriously get you in to trouble as you go down a rabbit hole of I want to try this..(drugs, risky investments, risky activities..etc..).

I assume you are able to do anything you would with the first option salary. If you know what makes you happy and still afford to splurge on just about anything you or your family wants then just find the point of, “when is enough actually enough?” Spoiler..It won’t ever be, human nature just always wants more, more, more. So find your median and share your time with family and friends working 3.5 days a week.

Ask yourself what the second option simply provides..more money but for what return? Especially if you are working more and less time for actual life?

It seems like this post is a humble brag and OP, frankly, although I assume the best out of everyone at first but this post makes me think you as I already know the answer to this question that you have asked. Just looking for confirmation and assurance your still normal.

/r/PersonalFinanceCanada Thread