[Advice] Sit straight.

Chiropractor work isn't all different from getting an adjustment by a physical therapist. When I hurt my back a couple years ago the first 20 minutes of each session with my PT was her doing adjustments. I needed it too, in the early stages I could not stand up straight at all, after I was able to do the actual physical therapy exercises with less pain.

Each week I needed less and less manual adjustments. After a few months of PT I didn't need it at all.

The problem is people going to a chiropractor and then doing NOTHING at home until the pain comes back and they make another appointment. Ideally you take advantage of the adjustment and work on strengthening your muscles again, and then over time you don't need to keep going.

My old boss was a retired chiropractor. She didn't retire by choice but, sadly, was in a terrible car accident that left her spine damaged enough she no longer had the ability to do adjustments on people. Her advice was always that chiropractor work is only as good as the work you put in at home to get your strength back. Otherwise it's just easy money for them because you never really heal and keep coming back.

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