Aeroplane emergency landing

Wow. Okay. Incredibly mature. Well at least your username certainly is fitting. And yeah, that’s how conversing works. So two, or three replies in order, each bustling off the last and repeating nothing is now the definition of incessant to you? What do you call when other people actually spam an identical message ten, or fifteen times?

I only said anything because I have had enough misinformation and assumptions over the past few years and that has gone to 11 in the past several hours. I also actually have been in a major public transportation incident, albeit a train crash not a plane emergency landing, and on top of that know at least a little about aerospace engineering, so I considered myself actually qualified to comment for once.

If you took the time or effort to actually look anywhere else in this comment section you’d see I am overall actually trying to contribute to the conversation and not downvote farm or whatever the hell you think I’m trying to accomplish, because apparently being nice once is the pinnacle of rude and disrespectfulness in your worldview. Gotta remember to not do that one anymore, since just trying to show basic manners now falls under whatever the inverse of Poe’s law is.

And now is also a good time to ask, so after all this, are you still convinced I’m a troll? You know their whole game is to get the other one as mad as possible with minimal words right? Have I proven myself to you? I’m sorry I don’t like to see people running around making assumptions about literal PTSD like they know what they’re talking about.

So, is this enough evidence for you yet? I won’t read or respond to anything else you say to me here, I’m done and won’t be playing any more immature games. Sorry for wasting your time.

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