Afraid to ask in any other sub, is $50k life changing money? I have a friend who says no and it’s affecting our friendship.

Depends on how exactly would u define “life changing”.

50k is not enough to invest and live off the passive income that it would bring. Nor is it enough to buy an apartment or a house (at least in my country)

It is enough to pay off some small debt and maybe make the interest payments on the big debt. Also, u can afford to rent an apartment for some time.

As people mentioned, depends on how much r u starting with and what difference does 50k make. I would disagree that a person needs to be financially really well off for it to make lil impact.

If u have a place to live and have sufficient amount of money for food, 50k would not change ur life. U can buy a few expensive things but that’s basically it. A Rolex won’t change ur life. Nor will a pair of Gucci sneakers. A car might improve it, but additional costs that come with it might not be affordable in the long run.

So unless u r homeless or in a difficult financial situation, 50k ain’t gonna change ur life.

/r/TooAfraidToAsk Thread