Afrocentrism gone wild , crazy and Alexander the great was black

I imagine that it has something to do with the relative safety of antisemitism in most public discussions. Unless you're speaking from a position that the general public cares about, you can probably slip in a "Jews did it" without any consequences. It's abstract enough that you can disingenuosly deny any prejudice, and familiar enough to slide by with the help of a little ignorance.

Your seeming preoccupation with this topic aside I would like to address your fact free contention that anyone at any time can slip in "The Jews did it" into any conversation and no one will blink an eye, though they supposedly all will agree with the potential truth of that statement.

This is factually inconsistent with reality. As I've stated elsewhere,

Increasingly education isn't about the open and free exchange of ideas that can stand or their own merit or fall for lack thereof, but about which group feels that their cherished position (irrespective of its validity) is being constantly attacked and now has outside groups to police any thing they don't like whether it's truthful or not.

Numerous groups financed by people like Sheldon Adelson engage in policing what amounts to improper thought on Likudnik Israel, Israelis and Jews. Here's the 2012-2013 Annual report and budget ($3,267,190.00 for 2013) for one of Adelson's campus groups, The David Project.

They claim to only want to give Israels side of the story, however, it's members repeatedly engage in name and shame campaigns against professors and students deemed not to be in accord with Israeli policies or whatever this moments Hasbara campaign is about.

Neoconservative/Straussian groups like The Israel Project's Hasbara Handbook Global Language Handbook. This handbook was written by GOP disinformation specialist Frank Luntz in order for people to supposedly portray Israel in a better but still beleaguered light, seeking only peace while those around her only want war. Then there's neoconservative Daniel Pipes well funded Campus Watch in the Media whose stated mission is Monitoring Middle-East Studies on Campus, here is their most recent list of colleges that they closely monitor (its about seventy right now, however they note that this is a work in progress on institutions and scholars) for impure thoughts on Israel, Zionism, Jews and Americas so-called special relationship with Israel.

Daniel Pipes compiles dossiers which he publishes on his website about people he feels aren't sufficiently pro-Israel enough for his tastes. He gathers and posts information on professors and students marking them forever because they don't adhere to his supremacist positions on Israel.

Another creep cashing in on this gravy train i=s David Horowitz and his Freedom Center

Pipes and Horowitz are fact free conspiracy theorists who see impending doom in every comment they perceive to be anti-Israeli or insufficiently pro-Israeli.

I could go on and on about groups like this, however, someone like you would still maintain that there is no such thing amounting to a Jewish presence monitoring discourse on college campuses across America and elsewhere.

I honestly don't know if you're a common paranoiac or not, however, statements like the one you made here reveal someone who is living in a fantasy world where everyone can goes around saying "The Jews did it"

Then you close with this gem.

When in doubt, just do like however many people I've met in my life and store up your conspiracy theories and latent racism, xenophobia, or antisemitism for when you feel the need to dump them on /u/SmugBlunderer[2] . If nothing else, I've learned that my purpose in life is to serve as the confessional for the bad opinions of otherwise good people.

Honestly, you're one delusional, sick fuck, who sees anti-Semites everywhere. Real antisemitism is bad enough without a clown like you fallaciously positing about an all pervading antisemitism that is, according to you, everywhere in America and the rest of the world.

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