After 2 months of marriage, we're apparently getting divorced.

I don't know anything.

Well, at least we can start here. What are you "emotional needs"? I'm a guy, my emotional needs are: smile at me, don't threw kitchenware at me, don't lie to me, don't cheat on me, don't cut me off when I'm making a point in an argument. Oh, and let me be little spoon occasiounally when we snuggle".

Now lets go over the typical western (very partial) woman list of emotional needs: spend as much time as you can with me, tell me everywhere you go and when you'll be back, always make me feel sexy even if I'm not or the lust has gone, don't ever call me crazy even when I act crazy, SPEND AS MUCH TIME WITH ME AS I WANT, I don't care if you have hobbies or friends or like to decompress alone - spending time with me is the greatest gift you'll ever get so why are you not appreciative of it?!?

It's not your fault btw, Disney built this dream where you're the queen and everyone caters to your every god damn whim. Now you understand why divorce rate is over 50%?

/r/TrueOffMyChest Thread