After 2 years, She is as gorgeous as I remember.

Thanks for your text. Yes, I know I live in fantasy when I think that she is so perfect. Even her mistakes, reactions, and insecurities. The relationship was not good, tbh. But I've never been so much in love, and worst thing is that I fell in love after the breakup. So basically I have this fantasy of: "what could it have been if I had been in love during the relationship to do things right". La la fantasy. I've not found someone as pretty as her tbh. I was fit back then, now I'm 30 pounds over my weight, so that does not help to find new partners of course. As well I'm a foreigner just like her, there are not too many like us right here where I am. I will go back home soon anyways and find someone else that I can fall for. I'm sure. But meanwhile she is the only one I've met that made me feel like home.

I'm here to talk as well.

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