After attempting EMDR on Tuesday, my therapist stopped and started asking me questions about this. I'm feeling uncertain and vulnerable and I could use some feedback?

I know it's a LOT to start to take in. I was like you, severe trauma history, my symptoms weren't obvious and most therapists aren't trained in dissociative disorders (even a lot of trauma therapists!). I also was diagnosed by my therapist after we tried EMDR a couple of times and whoops, DID! I was mid-40s and had done trauma therapy for literally decades, so have to say, I was a little pissed that no one figured it out for so long.

Just remember that dissociative episodes do NOT equal DID. I imagine the comment made her lean in that direction, but there are a number of dissociative disorders, including depersonalization/derealization and OSDD. So take your time, it took 6 months from my first signs with my therapist to him actually interacting with an alter. And clinically, I think it's 3 months of seeing a client before you can definitively confirm any diagnosis, because clients present with all sorts of stuff that isn't the real problem.

There's no rush. If something isn't becoming clear, it's because you're not ready for it yet. Your therapist sounds like she's very observant and also can be gentle, which is important.

This is a nice group here. I'm not really active but figured I'd chime in on this.

/r/DID Thread