After banning everyone who dared disagree with leftist politics in a recent r/wholesomememes post, the remaining liberals, those left after the purge, begin to fight amongst themselves in the comment section of a new politically-fueled post.

It’s not a meme and nothing about it is inherently hateful. Nobody is saying they hate transgenders. The idea of their being only 2 genders is a completely relevant and widely held political opinion. I’m posting here because now that rightwing people were banned, the liberals that were left are new fighting between themselves over whether or not the post was offensive.

I get it, though. You are in the opposite of the political spectrum. You disagree with me. You’re going to try and paint me as a hateful bigot. I didn’t say there are only two genders and I wasn’t banned from that subreddit for that reason.

I’m posting this because there’s actual drama happening, if you can look past political differences. And by god is it juicy. All I did was give context.

/r/SubredditDrama Thread Parent