After a decade of saving, I bought my dream truck on Friday.

Man I worked at GM for 10 ish years and they have the worst quality control ever. I feel bad for OP. Shit warranty and low quality parts. I’ve seen replacement motors DOA. Injectors go out after 30k miles. AC leaks that are impossible to find. Not to mention the lifter tic Chevys are notorious for. They shut down to 4 cylinders to save on gas and it does nothing but fuck the motor up bad. Listen to any new Chevy start and they sound like fucking diesel trucks after only a few miles. It started 2 gens back in 07 I think it was? I’ll never forget driving a brand new Tahoe and it ticked so fucking loud I couldn’t believe it. Had a manager who owned a 15 Silverado new and lucky he worked at the dealership as it spent more time in the shop than he did driving it. Non stop problems. People wouldn’t believe the pop can metal they put in the Chevy cruze or spark lmao those poor people would buy the cars and they’d blow up right outside of the shit warranty and still be buried in a car making payments that doesn’t even run! I remember a lady crying in the show room cause the second stickered her and she went to trade in her impala a year later and if was worth less than half what she paid. GM fucking blows. I could go on with the horror stories I’ve seen.

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