After E3 I’m officially done playing STW

I can't say I understand how BR is less repetitive. Half the people who play a match die in the first minute. For people who are really bad and most of their matches go that way it's just a lobby simulator.

For people who are bad but survive a while, it's a hiding simulator.

For people who are decent and can land in the top 10 consistently it's still repetitive because it's the same map over and over and you typically have hot drop spots that you repeatedly drop to. Then you wander around finding people to shoot in the face.

The one thing BR has over STW is momentary excitement. BR has times where you get an adrenaline rush in combat. The stakes are high, you need to be on point and playing at the top of your game for those moments. That's what makes BR more fun than STW. Not the lack of repetition.

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