After #MeToo movement, how has your work environment/work culture changed?

I work in a place where they know the law very well and aren't douchebags so we haven't had any sexual harassment or problems with lewd or inappropriate comments.... Until we hired this one bitch.

Now, we have 3 floors. Second floor is for newbie secretaries and newbie others. And the 3rd floor is where the hot shit secretaries and their others work. Your goal as a secretary should be to get good enough to be a 3rd floor person. And on the 1st floor we have EDP.

We hired this young bitch and she has just been... So massively inappropriate. She's made lewd comments about her coworkers, talked about her personal sex life to others in an open setting, and just generally been an inappropriate dumb bitch. She's flirted with everyone with a dick, tells women "your ass looks great in that skirt", etc. and for some reason she hasn't been fired. She's now tainted the 2nd floor and it has a bad reputation for being filled with gossipers and young people who don't do their jobs.

the head of her department has stated she's never hiring anyone Younger than 30 again. And I know that's illegal, but obviously they would use other reasons.

/r/AskReddit Thread