After right-wing personalities have been repeatedly calling for civil war and attacks on their political enemies

They'll get squashed right when it becomes a big enough distraction to start costing billionaires money. Foreign war is good for business (for some industries). Domestic war is a potential nightmare.

Sure, I could see them starting some standoff somewhere or some cockamamie convoy to intimidate and instigate violence in some mid-sized city. But, that's probably it before someone decided to crush it before it becomes a fledgling rebellion. Could be really violent in a few places for a day or two but I doubt it'd ever get past that.

The US military is simply too powerful and there are too many billions of dollars at stake for any real civilian military uprising against the government to get off the ground.

A military or political coup are about the only two ways we'd ever see that kind of upheaval. So, short of the majority of Senior military officials deciding to rebel in secret, it just isn't happening.

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