After Scotland Decisively Rejects Brexit and the Tories in General Election, SNP's Sturgeon Calls for Second Independence Referendum | "Given what I fear the Tory government now has in store for Scotland, that right to choose our own future has never been more important or more urgent."

Ok babe. Is merriam webster ok?

1 a: a number or percentage equaling more than half of a total majority of voters

b: the excess of a majority over the remainder of the total

c: the greater quantity or shares

3 : the group or political party having the greater number of votes (as in a legislature)

And for good measure a relevant use of the word:

Jeremy Corbyn is now widely seen as a lost cause, particularly after a week in which the chief rabbi accused him of anti-Semitism and a large poll suggested the Tories could win a majority of 68.— The Economist, "Jeremy Corbyn’s political agenda is more radical than his economic one," 30 Nov. 2019

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