After the wedding

I don’t want to die without finding my person, that incredible romance that every girl dreams of.

Perhaps an opportunity to reframe success and/or gratitude, as I do think too many young girls are feed the fairy princess story. We are fortunate to have all that our modern lifestyles afford, not to mention the opportunities for life long friendships with other women (as an example). Does anybody get "their person"? Difficult to say, I have read a statistic that 1 out of 4 marriages is happy, and that is discounting the 50% divorce rate (in the US).

It seems like love and feelings are a taboo topic in these relationships.

It all depends on the two people involved, many people have love and feelings with their AP/MM. Will it last forever, highly unlikely as that is the nature of these relationships. Another reality is with the internet all relationships are generally more transitory, as it is to easy to move along to the next shiny object.

Women that I know that are the happiest are those invested in their own lives, their own circle of friends, their own careers, and the ability to help others. Romance or "their person" while nice to have, is not the center of their world.

/r/adultery Thread