After years of experience, I'm concluding that debating with your religious parents is a waste of time that you should generally proactively try to avoid.

I want to reach the point where I don't feel the need or desire to debate this stuff anymore. It's not like debating on here is particularly effective anyway. I'm just some fucking jerk on the internet. And I'm not really learning anything from debating here anymore. When you're just starting out, you sort of learn the ropes - what are the typical arguments that people make, what are the typical rebuttals, and so on, and it's actually an engaging pursuit. But I feel like I've seen it all now, at least as far as internet forums go.

So at this point it's like, what the fuck am I even doing anymore? I don't know. It's just like a habit. It's like I'm watching the same Seinfeld rerun everyday or something. It's a waste of time and I know this. I'll probably delete this account soon and try not to get sucked back in again.

/r/DebateAnAtheist Thread Parent