After years of procrastination, I visited a dermatologist for the first time in my life for my chronic dry skin. I requested a simple moisturising routine because ADHD. She said: Don't hide behind lazy excuses. You just have to decide to commit to routines, even if complex. It's all in your mind.

I mentioned "with reminders or whatever", wouldn't that be considered accommodations? So I get there is a difficulty to do it like other people, but with reminders, sticky notes, and all the other little things we use to make it easier for us, wouldn't that be a form of accommodations? If something is necessary medically (skin routine for dry skin) there probably is no way around avoiding it or maybe the Dr thinks this is the best solution she can offer. So the next step would be to think of ways to make it easier to form a habit. If it was some other medication that wasn't dermo related but instead something really important, would you expect the Dr to find a solution so that you don't have to take medicine? The Dr should've avoided using the line "don't hide behind lazy excuses" but besides that I don't know what else the Dr could have said or done.

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