Afterbirth Daily Discussion - 2018/05/18

Switch AB+ Azazel to Mom
On the first floor, the nothernmost locked door is a library for bookworm (bible, anarchist cookbook, book of shadows). The SR and SSR are connected to the same room, which is the eastern/southernmost room. I used the cookbook to get into both. There is a black market underneath the bomb rock in the largest room. I rerolled the items and the 2nd set is compass, champion belt, pay to play, mom's key, boomerang.

Second floor curse room had perthro in it. SR has Missingno. SSR Guppy's Head. I perthro'd by b.o.shadows and got aries. The shop had bogo bomb and humbling bundle that I couldn't afford. The tinted rock by the boss room was 2 soul hearts. The deal was the pact which I took.

Third floor challenge room is nothing special. The SR is on its south wall, 6 coins. The SSR is the south wall of the room that connects to the shop, the white pill is gulp. DD was krampus for lump of coal. Shop had a potato peeler if you have your container from the last floor.

Cave 2 challenge room was dead bird. The SR has rune bag and is the south wall of the room connecting to the challenge room. The shop was a fight. The SSR is on the west wall of the 2x2 room. The beggar in there pays out in 5 or 6 coin with an hp up. Dice room was 1 pip. The curse room had ceremonial robes! The arcade game blew himself up so it didn't pan out.

Dank Depth 1 the SR is on the north wall of the curse room, but nothing worthwhile in either. Die room was 1 pip again. Challenge room has a tarot (mine was justice). SSR onthe east wall of the room connecting to the shop. DD are Guppy's Collar, Missing Page 2, and Lil Brimstone but try to go to boss fight with an algiz. There's a side shoot on south/west end with a tinted rock. Make sure to hit the skulls as well.

DD2 challenge room is super worth it. The curse room warped me to a DD with brother bobby, too bad I didn't have a perthro at the time.

Dark room no mega satan or anything interesting, so don't do it. You're likely to die because of your lack of range. But if you want to go anyway, SR was the north wall of the 2nd room east of start. The SSR was the north wall of the room northeast of the SR. Seem like all fires and rocks had soul hearts though. I pertho'd The Body into Explosivo.

/r/bindingofisaac Thread