Against hate subs where are you? Oh yea that's right, they only care if t_d breaks rules.

I'm confused, does thinking of fags as just other regular people and not fags (as long as they dont have regular parades whre they ride around in the middle of cities wearing leather assless chaps and bondage suits because their entire life is defined by who they have sex with... i don't like them... and it's not because they are fags... just because they objectively annoying and disgusting people. if a fag acts like a normal person, and has a personality and interests and hobbies, and doesn't get offended by the word fag for no reason.... then why the flying fuck would i care about their sex life.

in fact the only way it possibly could, would be if they needed a wingman.. and i would happily oblige.. because even though i am straight, i still love attention.

if i treat my fag friends like normal people, because i don't give a shit if they are fags...and i'd be a pretty fucking shitty person if i judged people fo that or stopped being friends with someone over something that doesn't concern me

does me not caring if people are fags in the first place count as pretending to care about fags?

also why are democrats constantly trying to tell me what my opinions and thoughts are about stuff?

this is how demorat liberals describe people different from them in conversations

them:: "hey so you know that black guy who works at the hardware store down the street?"

me: do you mean steve?

them: yeah i think that's his name.. the one who seems like he might be gay"

me: .. i just call him steve.

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