Age and cultural expectation of South Asian women in medicine

My parents are immigrants (though not South Asian), and they had a similar, perhaps maybe not quite as 'forceful', stance. They moved to America to give their kids the best future possible and that meant their kids become doctors. Their expectations were very high and when I decided not to pursue med school immediately after college, they freaked out. It took a few years before I got so frustrated with their constant questions that I sat down with them and tried to explain that their expectations were not helping me figure life out. We had a heart to heart and I told them I was going to get into medicine, just on my own time. They (kinda) understood and tried to back off. Anyways, I got married before med school and started at 30 and my past experiences have shaped who I am and I love it. Wouldn't want to be anywhere else rn.

Not quite the same situation as you OP, but a cultural influence was definitely at place. Perhaps it would be worthwhile to sit down with them and "talk about your feelings"? I respect my parents' opinions, as it sounds like you do as well, but trying to get them to see your perspective can be valuable.

/r/medicalschool Thread