Aged like milk bro

Except that isn't a strawman in the slightest, it's the truth, Einstein. Games did just fine back then and they still do fine even nowadays anyways without Free to Play or microtransactions; it's not needed. Splatoon 1 and 2 (multiplayer games), Animal Crossing, Borderlands 3 (multiplayer and extremely minimal microtransactions that don't affect the game in the slightest), Pokemon SWSH (which sold a shit ton), Smash Bros (mostly multiplayer), Minecraft Java Edition (mostly multiplayer), Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild (also sold a shit ton), Cuphead, Undertale, Deltarune, literally every Nintendo game; and before you say SWSH and Borderlands have DLC, so did Halo 3, Halo 2 and Halo Reach in the form of map packs.

Drop the "strawman" bullshit, F2P and microtransactions are unneeded cancer and everyone knows it, and the fact that Halo's always done fine without F2P and/or microtransactions is the truth. Not to mention we're witnessing Halo become WORSE thanks to it.

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