
Jag kontrar med att ansvaret för att pröva en asyl är hierarkiskt ordnad i Dublinfördning 3.

Så här står det som första paragraf i kapitel 7:

CHAPTER III CRITERIA FOR DETERMINING THE MEMBER STATE RESPONSIBLE Article 7 Hierarchy of criteria 1. The criteria for determining the Member State responsible shall be applied in the order in which they are set out in this Chapter.

Din paragraf som du nämner:

  1. Where it is established, on the basis of proof or circumstantial evidence as described in the two lists mentioned in Article 22(3) of this Regulation, including the data referred to in Regulation (EU) No 603/2013, that an applicant has irregularly crossed the border into a Member State by land, sea or air having come from a third country, the Member State thus entered shall be responsible for examining the application for international protection. That responsibility shall cease 12 months after the date on which the irregular border crossing took place.

I detta fall handlar det om Grekland där ca 90% av landsövergångarna till EU görs. Grekland har dock undantagits Dublin med hänvisning till domstolsbeslut i EU-domstolen, Migrationsöverdomstolen och Europadomstolen.

Därefter kommer paragraf 2:

  1. When a Member State cannot or can no longer be held responsible in accordance with paragraph 1 of this Article and where it is established, on the basis of proof or circumstantial evidence as described in the two lists mentioned in Article 22(3), that the applicant — who has entered the territories of the Member States irregularly or whose circumstances of entry cannot be established — has been living for a continuous period of at least five months in a Member State before lodging the application for international protection, that Member State shall be responsible for examining the application for international protection.

Sverige kan med enkelhet bevisa att en viss asylsökande kommit från Danmark via öresundsbron när dessa kontrolleras på tåget. Därmed faller ansvaret på Danmark, eftersom den asylsökande upptäcktes som illegal i Danmark först, även om Sverige gjorde upptäckten.

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