It aggravates me so much when people are compassionate about animals but don't give a shit about people.

Because animal lives are so much easier than save than humans. Animal testing for cosmetics can be stopped. Like actually stopped. Gone. That's huge and is a problem in this world full of so many other problems that can be solved.

On top of that, vegans make a difference in the world without having to be rich and donate or spend all their time volunteering that not everyone has. You can be an everyday joe and still contribute to help make change by just buying different items. There's no going out of your way to make a difference, so it's really easy and possible for a lot of people to do.

And caring about animals affects humans too. Veganism isn't just for animals. It's for the planet and to help preserve it and reduce huge environmental impacts. You can't fight world hunger on a world that is dying from global warming.

You can't stop any human problems. It's impossible, at least right now. There will always be people starving, attacked, underpaid, etc. It's also basically impossible to live in the modern world without prospering from someone else's pain.

Now, I am not saying we shouldn't care about human problems because they are so huge. I'm just trying to show you some perspective.

Besides, becoming a vegetarian or vegan is a gateway to being more socially conscious and aware. A lot of vegans I know are also aware of inhumane factory conditions and are spreading awareness and doing their best to not purchase from companies that are exploiting their workers.

I can understand why you are upset, but instead of being upset maybe try researching about it more and start contributing to workers rights awareness and learn about where your food really comes from. It really opens your perspective on the government and society. You can then contribute to helping out both humans and animals (double win) with your wallet. Go on from there and volunteer or donate!

/r/rant Thread