I agree

Why wouldn't I own it? I'd rather not waste time playing the game of "ACKUHUALLY, I'M NOT RACIST." I don't hate, but my loyalty is to my people, and if that makes me racist, so be it. I love all peoples and find worldwide culture interesting, but I love my own most of all.

But I believe in the nation-state, the right of nations to self-determinate, and I find globalism and the conglomerate of multinational entities threatening. Each people is entitled to their own space, in separate nations and separate developments. That's what makes cultures diverse and beautiful, and I think multiculturalism is an abomination that spoils all of that.

Ah well, this will probably get downvoted. It's not like Reddit tolerates different opinions anyway, or freely allows the spread of ideas society finds abhorrent, so I'll be going. You guys have a good one and a Merry Christmas. Regards.

/r/WhitePeopleTwitter Thread Parent Link - imgur.com