Do you agree with this?

The reviewer doesn't like that Season 3 doesn't change tbings up enough, but also complains about how certain things are different than tbey ised to be. He also said dismisses all the character development and interpersonal drama as nothing happens. Towards the end it becomes clear that his opinions are largely driven by a right-wing ideological bias. This guy has a real chip on his shoulder about female empowerment and overly negative portrayals of partiarchy. Bizarrely, he claims Jake Busey's character is intended to be an unfair caricature of Donald Trump. It must have eluded him that Mayor Kline — a sleazy, ostentatious crook in cahoots with Russians — is the actual Trump analogous.

I don't think much of what he says is accurate, mainly because he's not being honest about the principle reasons he hated the season, which are political.

/r/StrangerThings Thread Link -