Do you agree with God's "no homosexuality" rule?

I'm not a biblical literalist. I believe its a historical record, and and can accept divinely inspired, but the literal word of God no I don't believe that. So no, I don't think God actually cares if people are gay or not.

I also am at distinct odds with the idea that salvation only occurs through faith, I refuse to accept the idea that a man who does on earth as God would have him do in heaven would be damned for the mere act of lack of faith. I think God is too magnificent to truly care. I think works matter far more, and that faith is its own reward rather than the key to the reward. If a man is good, but would be damned due to not having faith, then God is a tyrant and Satan was right. I would, if that were true, pledge allegiance to Satan over God as he would be undeserving. As that is a logical fallacy, it thus reduces the notion of faith only based salvation as an irrational doctrine.

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