I got 5 out of 5 right, just not in the order I thought. Not bad. I'm actually fairly pleased with the TOP 3 and all 3 are acts I'm looking forward to seeing again. I was quite surprised to see Chase end up where he did, my brain was always telling me he would sail through due to his "pretty-boy" status, but I guess America really might be getting sick of hearing about his fantasy relationships. It's a damn shame to lose Mike, Simon mentioned that "age shouldn't matter" with talent, but it certainly seems to matter with voters. Maybe he just should have milked his sob story more sigh
It's interesting to think that an act that barely made it through the audition stage has now sailed through each round straight to the finals. Could anyone have guessed early on that Sara & Hero would make it this far? One could claim that America loves dogs and will vote for them no matter what, but Pompeyo didn't even manage to get into the Dunkin Save and this is the first time in over 5 years that an animal act is back in the finals so people are clearly seeing something special in Sara and her love of dogs. I know in my heart I SHOULD be angry about her making it over Billy & Emily and even Mike, but I enjoy seeing this act too much to do that. Besides, I find her underdog (pun intended) story of getting here far more endearing than all the sob stories they try to shove down our throats.
Speaking of sob stories, I could rant about Evie making it through, but I'll save myself the time and energy. I think it's just time for me to make peace with the fact she's here. She got through and she's here to stay, but she wont win and if this show helps a young girl get through the darkest period of her life then I guess that's not the worst thing that's ever happened? I'm being careful not to blame Evie herself here, no I fully put all the blame on the show and the producers for milking her story like this and the voters for falling for it.