ah fuck, I have anxiety.

I think depression and anxiety are symptoms of your body switching into a protective mode. You've convinced it over many years that you live in a dangerous environment. It's freaking out, getting inflamed, systems not working properly... basically making you look like a hypochondriac.

To solve it you have to convince yourself on a subconscious level that you aren't in danger, that life has lots of opportunities and you just have to be proactive in your actions. Don't hide from things. If you have panic attacks (dizziness, shortness of breath etc) then ignore them and let them happen. In fact, try to put yourself in situations to make them happen and practice ignoring them.

Meditation is good, but you don't need to be sitting there listening to your breathing. Instead you just need to look around at every detail - it's an attempt to stop you from over thinking or going into an automated mode where do stuff but can't remember doing stuff.

Medication hides your problem. I don't think it will fix it. It is useful if you have a job for example and you need to hide it in order to function. If you want to face your demon and solve the problem you should really face it directly, not from behind a protective wall. I have no medical backing in this, only experience from fixing the problem personally several years ago.

Also, eat healthy. Stay away from vitamins. Lots of exercise, consider buying weights or going to a gym. Always push yourself, don't rely on excuses. Find challenging hobbies where you create things (i.e. watching netflix is not a hobby. Read non-fiction books. It will take years to properly recover because it takes years to happen in the first place.

/r/Anxiety Thread