Ah what the hell a new ever higher (depthwise) ALL TIME WORLD RECORD.

Okay so from what I know,

Force = (gravitation constant * the product of the two masses) / square of the distance between the gravitational centres of the two masses.

Increasing the distance between the two centres of gravity reduces the force, we do weigh less as we go up.

Assuming an earth radius of 6,378 km (sea level at the equator), the difference in your weight between sea level there and say an altitude of 10,000 feet (3.117 km), your weight would vary by 1/(6378 squared/(6378 + 3.117)squared), or around .1% of your body weight. E.g. for 180 pounds, around .18 pounds (3 ounces). However, the earth is not a perfect sphere. It's an oblong spheroid (because it rotates, it has liquids that flow around, and its mass density varies). Wikipedia says its radius varies from as little as 6,357 km to the pole and is at its maximum at the equator: 6,378 km. So the distance to sea level is less at the north pole than at the (bulging) equator, actually just over 20 kilometers. As a result you weigh most sitting on at sea level at the north pole (dig a hole in the ice, or wait for global warming to keep going) (unless of course you are in a submarine 1 mile below the north pole, but don't think this one too far; we start to get into strange assumptions as to whether some of the earth is then above you, which moves its center of gravity and reduces its mass). The calculated weight at the north pole is around .65% more than at the equator, i.e. a little over a pound (!). We can shed a pound and three ounches by going from the North Pole to a beach on the equator. Or a pound and 6 ounces by going from the North Pole to a mountain 10,000 feet above the equator.

According to the University of Chicago cara website, the South Pole (at the surface of the icesheet) is 2835 meters, and there are higher spots there at least at 4215 meters. Interestingly, one's weight at that highest height would still be more than one's weight at the equator.

Sources: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Earth_radius; astro.uchicago.edu/cara/outreach/coldfacts.html

TLDR - motherfucker squatted high and the height of him squatting in mountains would make fuck all difference.

/r/powerlifting Thread Parent Link - i.imgur.com