Ah yes, the great COS tipping debate.

this reeks of “funny you hate capitalism yet are alive and existing in it”. I think this whole system needs and overhaul. The small amount of servers who benefit from tips and disproportionate amount of owners who benefit from it are not worth the majority of servers who suffer to make a living wage. I continue to tip due to not being comfortable in ruining a server’s wages, but it doesn’t feel good knowing how much the people who aren’t serving or cooking said meals are profiting.

That being said, your attitude is disgusting, you give such classist insults- as if being poor is somehow an excuse for you to denigrate people? That’s how you engage in a discussion YOU prompted? It’s so gross to see the amount of punching down and insulting, and I recognize you from the other posts in which you do the same.

Get some perspective. You’re using this post exclusively to punch down on people who purportedly regularly tip but don’t agree with you, which you seemingly can’t handle. Is it that hard to believe someone can disagree with tipping practices in the US and still tip??

The system is a toxic one in which a small group of people (owners, managers) tend to benefit from a practice that puts fair compensation on consumers. Who, by the way, are not a reliable source of compensation and have proven to be such by how many times I see this debate pop up. These posts do nothing for the debate, those who don’t tip won’t, and those who don’t pay a living wage won’t. Clearly you do not care about servers and service industry workers, but you do care a lot about looking “wealthy” and acting elitist.

/r/ColoradoSprings Thread