To get ahead in America and to be taken seriously, you need to speak clear English

Yeah nah you're a racist. I know it's hard for spergs like you on reddit to admit it but it's true. Having a thick accent because of where you were raised doesn't make you uncivilized. Are you seriously saying african americans with accents are lower than the average american because they don't speak "civilized English"? (whatever the fuck that means lmao) cmon now dude

Yeah, the stereotype is true, many of them are idiots, I've been to races before, I can't take many of them seriously either. However, many of them are fairly hospitable people despite the stereotypes. And not all of us are hicks either.

You defend white people with heavy "hick" accents (that sound similar to ebonics) and say they're civilized yet when you're talking about black people it makes each and every one of them uncivilized. Holy shit you make my head hurt man

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