Ahhhhh help!!

I’m not OP but I regret waiting till my 30’s to make a decision on kids.

I decided to have one, discovered that I actually really enjoy being a mother and would really like to have another. Now I’m up against additional risks and worries that I would not have had at 27.

I think about the future and worry about being there for her as she grows up.

When I had her first Christmas, I was surrounded by my Mom in her early 50’s and my grandparents in their early 70’s. It is special to have that dynamic and I feel like I cheated my kid out of that by waiting. I just feel like I gave up some time where I would be more likely to be healthy and active with her.

It’s scary because I feel fine now, but I have no idea how I will feel at 50. I’m terrified that I’m going to die before they get established as an adult.

This is selfish, I know, but it also makes me a bit sad that I will be the first woman in my family to not have the opportunity to become a great grandparent. If my kid decides to have children, I won’t be that fun active grandparent that she has or I had.

Idk, I have a lot of worries that I don’t think I’d be so concerned about if I would have had kids younger.

/r/Fencesitter Thread Parent