Ahmaud Arbery

I’m sorry you are hurting. A lot of people are obviously except the ones coming at you over a COMMENT. Meanwhile the real culprits are killing people but it’s easy to tell hurt people who ain’t violent how wrong they are.

History is repeating itself.

Your issue isn’t truly with white skinned people or Caucasian people. It’s with the institution of whiteness which is an American issue. Folks here gonna get butthurt over your comment while that man is in the ground. Dead. Fuck them.

This is gonna get worse. It’s the reaction of those chastising you that emboldens these racists even more. They know people will stay silent against their violence and instead continue to throw others under the bus, chastising people over comments they made in pain.

I mean you ain’t even a Hebrew Israelite and they acting like you are really doing something...lol There is a while organized group that hate white people just as much as the racists hate them...but instead they in this post...stupid...lol

/r/TrueOffMyChest Thread Parent