Aide de l'armée prolongée dans les CHSLD : la Défense « ne veut rien savoir » [Exclusif LP]

Yes, you're not far off! Firstly, we have sent 80% of our medical personnel. I don't have the exact number off the top of my head, and then to provide additional assistance is reserve members, and other non-medical reg F members.

So, as we have our own hospitals and medical staff, we have enough to cover our own members. it's the same as any other organization. Quebec hospitals for example do not have nurses and doctors sitting around because they have much more than they need. They have as many as they need to do their job. So imagine if 80% of the medical staff in Quebec were all of a sudden placed elsewhere, this would place a huge burden on the system, no? This is the burden that we face right now. We can help, we are happy to help, but it's only possible to sustain this for so long.

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