Airstrike destroys Doctors Without Borders hospital in Aleppo, killing staff and patients

Their mission is to reduce disease in affected areas

Forgive me, but no it isn't. Their mission is to provide acute care to people who have no access to modern medicine.

"Reducing disease in the affected areas" is an enormous and open-ended goal, and it's difficult to think of an effective charity that gives itself so broad a remit, excepting possibly the Gates Foundation with all its billions - and even they only pursue projects which are clearly defined.

What I want is for them to treat us like equal professionals

Honestly, I appreciate your humanitarian impulse, but you're now complaining that a medical charity whose mission you appear to have misunderstood gives undue prominence to physicians. For the record I spent time with MSF performing surgery in Gaza a decade ago, and I never saw any of the non-medical staff being slighted in any way. This is of course anecdotal, but so is your assertion that MSF 'acts like doctors are invisible Gods.'

The end of your comment is frankly something of a rant. I'm not aware of MSF routinely constructing water treatment facilities, to my knowledge they only ever build temporary solutions to provide safe water to support their medical work. They aren't an infrastructure charity. They can't afford to build permanent civil infrastructure, and so far as I'm aware they don't try to.

With the greatest possible respect and appreciation of your charitable motives, the last paragraph sounds really quite bitter and more about slighted ego. I doubt anyone in the world would dispute the role that civil infrastructure plays in public health - I certainly wouldn't - but I return to my theme of "That isn't what MSF does."

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